Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Texans Voice Their Opinion on the War in Afghanistan

I hesitate to touch on this subject because of my limited knowledge, however, after listening to the President’s address on sending an additional 30,000 troops to Afghanistan caused me to delve a bit further into the subject. Primarily because I have a brother stationed at Ft. Hood who has already endured 3 tours in Iraq and seems to be preparing for the possibility of yet another tour in Afghanistan.

On December 1st, KVUE reported on the effect of the war in Afghanistan to the communities of Killeen and Ft. Hood. The views on sending more troops are quite divided. This is not a war many feel we should be fighting.

KXAN reported that protestors marched outside Senator John Cronyn’s office in protest of sending more troops to Afghanistan. It further reported on the Texas Coalition for Peace who are asking President Obama to bring our men and women home. “Nobody wants to do it,” said Justin Brown who just returned from Afghanistan and will go back in 2010. “Everybody wants to go home, but we’ve got to follow orders.” It appears this division even applies to members of the military stationed at Ft. Hood. There seems to be no excitement maybe even skepticism in armed forces.

This isn’t just a few “nuts” protesting a senseless cause. Some of these groups include Dallas Peace Center, Texans for Peace, Crawford Peace House, Austin Center for Peace and Justice, Code Pink the South Texas Alliance for Peace and Justice, and some 30 plus additional organizations. Found from: “Coalition of Peace Conference Call Press Conference on Afghanistan for November 30 Near Ft. Hood."

The war in Afghanistan is nothing short of controversial considering our country is bankrupt while we are looking at billions upon billions to continue this war. While some see Obama’s commitment to send another 30,000 troops a realistic tactic, it appears to me that the majority of Americans want out.

The fact of the matter is we are seen as an unwanted occupying force in a country which is fighting a 300 year old war between Durrani and Ghilsai tribes of Pushtun. I am of the opinion that no matter what attempts we make to stabilize the corruption of the Afghan government, police force and military, this civil war will continue, as will the long standing corruption. We cannot buy support there.

Furthermore, the Taliban and Al Quida are reported to have found sactuary in nuclear Pakastan, a country we cannot officially occupy and with a reputation equal to that of corrupted, war-torn Afghanistan.

Increasing the troops in order to get out earlier I feel could backfire on the President’s decision. Whether or not he is successful in withdrawing US troops by 2011, the people, the prejudices and hatred for the western way of life will continue in these countries. I wish I had a solution, even an idea on how best to handle this. I only know sending more troops will fuel the fire. Bring our men and women home, Mr. Obama. We have no business there.


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