Monday, November 16, 2009

As Far As We've Come, There Is Still So Far To Go

The arguments that Michael raised in his blog: Texas Falls Short on the Civil Rights Train appeared not only thoroughly researched but poignant. It is obvious his plight is not only a difficult one, but a battle so many don't deserve to have to fight. From my personal experience, I can relate to his sorrow and oppression. Having faced the question of my own sexuality I experienced confusion, anxiety and fear of what others would perceive of me.

As Michael pointed out, the laws, both federal and state, are clear. If Christianity is the basis of these decisions the plain truth is Christ accepted everyone- from every walk of life. It's my opinion that the word marriage should be removed in both state and federal laws and replaced with "civil union". By doing this all people would be entitled to the benefits and protection of their civil partnership. Unfortunately, I believe this will take time, effort and patience just as the African American and Latino fight for civil rights did.

I was impressed with Michael's blog it left me sympathetic to his station and with a desire to help change the opinion of closed-minded individuals.

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